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March 26th at 7:00 PM EST

It’s easy to make more money in your business when you leverage your corporate expertise to position yourself as an expert and thought-leader in your industry.

Inside of this webinar, I’m going to teach you: 

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The #1 strategy you should be using to grow your coaching or consulting business. 

Simple strategies you can leverage to talk about the impact of your corporate expertise without revealing where you work.

Simple strategies you can leverage to talk about the impact of your corporate expertise without revealing where you work.

60-minute marketing routines you can do daily to position yourself as a thought-leader and grow your pipeline of potential clients.


About Brianca

Brianca Johnson Kirkman is a Marketing Strategist who has worked with dozens of nonprofits, political campaigns, and hundreds of online business coaches and consultants helping to package their expertise into profitable offers, grow their revenue, and plan five-figure launch campaigns. Brianca has seen it all when it comes to marketing, worked in every kind of marketing role, and served businesses in multiple industries – she knows what works, what doesn’t work, and how to fix what isn’t working. Brianca has worked with the best of the best, helping them scale to multiple six-figure and seven-figure businesses.

They don’t call her the “Marketing Muva” for nothing. Get ready to get your wig snatched and the strategy served!  

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